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HomeNewsRevealed: More than a third of fire deaths are down to cigarettes...

Revealed: More than a third of fire deaths are down to cigarettes — now fire crews warns of dangers

Firefighters are raising awareness of the dangers of smoking at home after it was revealed over a third of fire deaths are down to cigarettes.

They are urging people to stay vigilant when using smoking materials as government statistics show that despite the number of smokers decreasing, over a third of all fire deaths in the country are attributed to cigarettes – and working to reduce this number remains a key priority for the service.

To lessen the likelihood of a smoking related fire in the home, it is advised that residents follow safety tips: Make it a rule to never smoke in bed; never empty ashtrays into the bin unless you are sure that they are fully extinguished.

Never smoke near flammable liquids around your home and never leave matches and lighters around for young children.

CigaretteAnd make sure you have a working smoke detector installed in your home. However, the most effective way to keep you and your home safe from a fire caused by smoking materials is to quit.

Although it is said tthis can be extremely challenging, there is help available through West Sussex Wellbeing, who have more than 50 GP practices and community pharmacies in West Sussex that offer support for those who want to stop smoking.

Debbie Kennard, West Sussex County Council, said: “The leading cause for smoking related incidents that we attend is from people not disposing of their cigarettes appropriately.”

Nicki Peddle, West Sussex Fire & Rescue prevention manager, said: “Quitting smoking is obviously the best way to prevent a smoking related fire and quitting is also of benefit to your health and financially. However we are encouraging people who do smoke to stub their cigarettes out properly and use an ash tray when doing so, always double checking that the cigarette is put out.”

In 2017, firefighters attended 34 home fires caused by smoking materials in West Sussex, with half of these incidents starting in the living room or bedroom. Careless disposal of cigarettes was noted as a factor leading to the fire in 62 per cent of these incidents.

Carl Eldridge
Carl Eldridge
Carl Eldridge is a hugely experienced journalist who has worked on local and national newspapers, magazines and written for websites over the past 30 years. He lives in Bognor Regis with his wife and son.