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HomeNewsEntertainmentREMbrandt set for Bognor gig at William Harwicke

REMbrandt set for Bognor gig at William Harwicke

Mention REMbrandt and it is likely that most people would think you were talking about the 17th century Dutch artist. This though is a musical REMbrandt and more precisely the south’s leading REM tribute band.

The Southampton-based five piece make a welcome return to Bognor this Sunday (20th November) with an appearance at The William Hardwicke at 17.00.

The band formed in 2014 out of a collection of local musicians and some REM fanatics and after a few personnel changes along the way, they now have a settled line up.

The band have targeted 2017 to push on to bigger venues and to play some festivals and other events to widen their audience.

Carl Eldridge
Carl Eldridge
Carl Eldridge is a hugely experienced journalist who has worked on local and national newspapers, magazines and written for websites over the past 30 years. He lives in Bognor Regis with his wife and son.